
1.5" thick glass cut with high pressure H2O!

Visit this site for Video Footage of the Glass being cut.



The Weenie Competition...

What is Supply & Demand without Competition? Well I was able to find several weenie roasters similar to the "Roast My Weenie" roaster, so lets see what you think about these other guys? I agree with the comment brought up about the issue with the welds being toxic, who really knows (who wants to find out). As you can see in this picture, there are spot welds holding these guys together, and they look to be made of cheap iron... Stainless is by far the safest & most cook friendly.

The Thrill of the Grill!!!

Hey this is the first post on the "Thrill of the Grill" blog, This blog is for all those who enjoy grilling and cooking out. To start out this blog I want to introduce the "Ultimate Redneck Weenie Cooker". The Roast My Weenie Stainless Steel Cooker! This is great for tailgaiting, or if you enjoy shocking people you will get a kick out of the expression on your friends face when they see this dude surrounded by flames on your grill! Plus, if you are a female and your Ex-Boyfreind did you wrong, order one of these with your x's name custom cut on the base and offically roast his weenie! I can't think of a better way to break of a relationship. Check out the offical web site at : www.roastmyweenie.com

Roast On!